Educating Rita Stage Show

Doctor, are you drunk? 

Drunk? Of course I'm drunk. You don't really expect me to teach this when I'm sober?

Dr Bryant, I don't think you're listening to me.

Mr Collins, I don't think you're saying anything to me.

Well, then you won't mind...if I leave your tutorial.

Why should I mind? What do you want to be stuck in here for anyway?

Because we want to study literature.

Literature? Look - the sun is shining! You're all young! What are you doing in here? Why don't you all go and do something? Go out and make love or something.


Excerpt from script, written by Willy Russell

Setfree Projects are delighted to be on board for the set build for the brilliant show Educating Rita, written by the very talented Mr Willy Russell. Beautifully designed by Judith Croft, and directed by Chris Honer this definitely is a show NOT to be missed! We’re really looking forward to this one!
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